After a great couple of months getting our product out to farmers, we've learnt that a concern for some was “Is it safe?” And we think that is a fair question.
Of course, it is safe, but we put together a white page document detailing the whole process from start to finish, to give customers a clear understanding of how clean and safe our product is.
This is all well and good, but the best way to give customers peace of mind is a third party approval, and we decided to apply for the best. A NASAA organic input certificate.
There are multiple options when it comes to Organic certification but the most credible in Australia is NASAA. Additionally, we feel NASAA are aligned with our sustainable goals and complement our products.
It took a few months, of dotting i’s and crossing t’s, inspections and reviews. Finally, in the last week of October 2020, we received our approval and certification.
This is a major milestone for us as a company and our partners in Tracegrow. We are very proud to be able to say our products are now certified for Organic Input.
What better way to answer the question "is it safe?".
Check it out.