To be honest the journey did begin some time earlier, but the timing couldn’t be much worse could it. “When did you mobilise your business?” “Right about the time the most unprecedented event in our life time shut down the planet”
We did think about postponing, but the World keeps turning and we believe in what we are doing, so we decided to continue regardless.
As we watched events unfold around the world we processed our import documents, gained our clearances and proceeded to search for a vessel.
With movement restrictions and essential cargo rightly taking precedence we couldn’t find an available carrier.
After a good month of home schooling, Zoom meetings, Skype calls and searching for a cargo carrier, pasta and toilet roll we have finally got our precious ZM Grow loaded in Finland.

The ship has today set sail, a milestone in our journey! We are expecting ZM Grow to reach our golden shores by the end of June.
This is great news for us and our customers that pre-ordered their ZM Grow just in time for their foliar spray programme!
Now to get our new office and warehouse set up in time!