This white paper describes the differences between foliar sulphate fertiliser ZM-Grow and foliar carbonate and oxide fertilisers.
ZM-Grow is a clear solution, carbonate/oxide suspensions contain solids;
Сarbonates/oxides can easily block spraying nozzles and nozzle strainers, while ZM-Grow does not;
ZM-Grow absorbs via leaves easily, carbonates/oxides dry to leaf surfaces and remain mostly unutilized or wasted;
ZM-Grow is manufactured from recycled micronutrients. Manufacturing carbonates/oxides requires mining, product enrichment, while depleting natural resources
ZM-Grow is a 100 % sulphate solution, where the micronutrients are completely dissolved into water as sulphates (ZnSO4, MnSO4). Foliar fertilisers where the micronutrients exist as carbonates and oxides (eg. MnCO3, ZnO) are not solutions, but suspensions.
ZM-Grow contains 60g/l zinc and 67g/l manganese, whereas carbonates and oxides can contain up to 300g/l but are less effective. In carbonates and oxides the micronutrients exist almost completely as solid compounds, and only a very small part of them is dissolved into water.
Zinc and manganese carbonates and oxides are very sparingly soluble to water, so they do not dissolve in the solution, but instead exist mostly as solids. Suspensions are a mixture of solid particles and water. The visual difference between the products can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1. The completely water soluble ZM-Grow solution on the left, and the solids containing carbonate/oxide suspensions on the right
Most of the micronutrient suspensions remain as a visible solid powder on the leaf surface and are not absorbed. Therefore, only a small amount of the micronutrient content of the suspensions is utilized. When using a sulphate solution, the micronutrients are completely in water-soluble form. The plant leaves absorb the dissolved micronutrients when they take water into their structure.
Although ZM-Grow has a smaller micronutrient content, the micronutrients are utilized much more efficiently and less natural resources are needed for the fertilisation. ZM-Grow is derived from recycled material, whereas the suspensions are made from excavated and enriched virgin materials.
ZM-Grow has given better yield increase results than suspensions due to its more efficient absorption. This has been proven in multiple crop trials where the products have been compared.
The chemical form of the solution is significant. Because carbonate and oxide products contain solid particles, the nozzles and nozzle strainers of the spraying equipment can get blocked. There is no such issue with ZM-Grow as it does not contain solid particles, it is completely water-soluble.
Blocked nozzles and nozzle strainers need to be dismantled and the whole spraying equipment cleaned, which is time-consuming. See Figure 2 showing an example of blocked nozzle strainers.
Figure 2 Blocked nozzle strainers after using carbonate/oxide suspensions for spraying
The farmer faces a similar situation when a suspension is poured from the container to the mixing tank. When the container is stored, the solid particles of the suspension sink to the bottom of the container and form large solid lumps.
To utilise the suspension fully, the farmer must break the sedimented solid lumps out of the container with several additions of water and shakings. Sometimes even pre-heating the canister is done to lessen the viscosity of the suspensions.
With solid-free ZM-Grow no such problems occur, and the solution can be poured out of the canister effortlessly, as seen in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Clear solid-free ZM-Grow poured from the canister