The Product has been tested in Finland, England, Italy, the USA, and other countries with good yield increases, and positive feedback from farmers.
Features & benefits:
Proven Results, increased yields up to 1500kg/ha
Excellent mixing properties
Does not block spraying nozzles
Completely Water Soluable
Ecological circular economy product
Easy to measure and pour, water like consistancy
Organic farming certified (NASAA)

Scotland Norman Ogg Farms Oct 2019
Actual-sized field test, over 250ha treated.
Applied once with one fungicide, 200l/ha of water.


California Bisarbi Ag Aug 2018
Small field test. Test areas sprayed with backpack mist blower, 900l/ha of water, 4 replicates. ZM-Grow™ and competing product were used with surfactants, following California rules for fruit trees.
100mg/kg dry matter


Finland Nylands Svenska Lantbruksforening Nov 2017
Small field test for 10m² areas, 4 replicates.
Sprayed with tractor, 200l/ha water. Very hot summer decreased yields.


Italy Landlab Sep 2019
Research facility test. Grown in nutrient free Saharan sand to exclude other micronutrient sources. Applied twice: first application with 300l/ha of water, second application with 500l/ha of water. Number of replicates 7 (4 plants each).
190 cob biomass (g)


Finland Maalahti August 2017
Small field test. Sprayed one week before mowing. Applied once with 200l/ha of water.
100mg/kg dry matter

Short comparison of ZM-Grow solution and chelated fertilisers ​
This white paper describes the difference between foliar sulphate fertiliser ZM-Grow and foliar chelated fertilisers.
Sulphate and chelate based fertilisers are commonly used in foliar fertilisation. Both are completely water soluble, and (...)
Short comparison of ZM-Grow solution and carbonate/oxide suspensions ​
This white paper describes the differences between foliar sulphate fertiliser ZM-Grow and foliar carbonate and oxide fertilisers.
ZM-Grow is a 100% sulphate solution, where the micronutrients are completely dissolved into water as sulphates (ZnSO4, MnSO4). Foliar fertilisers (...)
Soil Conditions And Micronutrients
Macronutrient fertilisers (NPK-fertilisers) are commonly given to plants as soil-added granules. The granules slowly break down in the soil, and the nutrients are absorbed through the plant’s roots.
With micronutrients, such as zinc and manganese, application through the soil can be affected by various soil conditions.

Hungary Komarom Aug 2018
Actual-sized field test.
0.5 ha was sprayed, 200l/ha of water.
160 mg/kg dry matter


California Holden research and consulting Jul 2018
Small field test.
2 trees/area, 4 replicates.
80 mg/kg dry matter


California Sawtooth Ag Research Aug 2018
Small field test.
2rows, 8m/row, 4 replicates.
Treatment done with backpack mist blower, 225 l/ha of water.
200 mg/kg dry matter

Field Tomato

California Sawtooth Ag Research Jul 2018
Small field test.
2 rows, 6m/row, 4 replicates.
Backpack mist blower, 560 l/ha water.
200 mg/kg dry matter